About GRO
GRO’s History
In 1975 the Pembina Forage Association was started by local producers interested in improving pasture management, forage and livestock production. All farmers, no matter their product, derive their living from the top few inches of the earth’s crust. Over the years trials were conducted on everything – thistle control, leafcutter bees, creep feeding, fencing, grazing, solar power, and so much more.
A decision of the board of directors in 1994 to add crop research to the studies being done on forages and livestock led to a need for a name change. This is when Pembina Forage Association became know as Gateway Research Organization (GRO). The new organization become more involved in research directly related to crops and environmental sustainability, always with local producers’ areas of interest in mind.

Gateway Research Organization will be a renowned and respected agriculture research & extension organization that is the preferred source of unbiased farm production information
Gateway Research Organization provides cost-effective applied agricultural research, demonstrations, and extension for producers in order to facilitate greater returns to farms by providing economically and scientifically sound information that enables our clients to make informed decisions.
Our Board – 2024
Chair: Mike Hittinger
Vice-chair: Kurtis Properzi
Treasurer: Graham Letts
Secretary: Kyle Cross
ARECA rep.: Kenleigh Pasay
Directors at Large
Ken Anderson
Robert Geis
Lorrie Jespersen
Byron Long
Adam MacMillan
Randy Pidsadowski
Uwe Quedenbaum
Crops Committee
Ken Anderson
Kyle Cross
Graham Letts
Adam MacMillan
Rick Mueller
Justin Nanninga
Randy Pidsadowski
Kurtis Properzi
Uwe Quedenbaum
Mike Hittinger (ex-officio)
Forage/Livestock Committee
Robert Geis
Lorrie Jespersen
Byron Long
Kenleigh Pasay
Kurtis Properzi
Mike Hittinger (ex-officio)

Supporting Counties
Project & Extension Sponsorship & Partnership
In-Kind Contributors
(land, equipment, product, services, discounts, etc.)
Colby Hanson
CropMaxx Inc.
Dean Wigand
Greener Pasture Ranching
Jubilee Feedlots
Justin Nanninga
Ken Anderson
The Land Institute
Lupin Platform Inc.
Neerlandia Co-op
Nutrien Ag Solutions
Ole Farms
Randy Pidsadowski
Tom McMillan
Westlock Seed Cleaning Co-op
Young Agrarians